Thursday, February 3, 2011

Pakistan Defence Power Is Better Than India

Pakistan First Robotic Car

latset computer technology in pakistan 2011.flv

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Vulture Aircraft

Vulture - Unmanned Aircraft

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) of United States is working to develop an unmanned aircraft that is able to stay in air for a period of 5 years at a time. It is one of the most recent inventions of world.

Officials of DARPA has revealed that this aircraft will be known as VULTURE due to itsPersistent Pseudo-Satellite Capability . It means that this aircraft will be able to fly over a single area, communicating or performing analysis for years at a time.

Major Obstacles in Project:

Even this project looks appealing to many of you, but there are some serious problems or you can say obstacles in achieving this project.

1) First challenge in front of designers is to figure out some Way to Supply Power to this aircraft during long missions.

2) Another problem is that this aircraft will carry a 1000 pound (450 kg) payload in winds at an altitude of 60,000 to 90,000 feet.

3) Designers have also to sort out the problems regarding Deterioration of Materialsduring their long-time exposure to stratospheric flight.
In addition to this there may be many challenges during designing of this aircraft.

Daniel Newman: The Man Behind VULTURE

Daniel Newman is the Project Manger of this ambitious project of NASA. In his words: "We want to completely change the paradigm of how we think of aircraft. Aviation has a perfect record - we've never left one up there. We will attempt to break that record". It looks that its time to get out of the traditional "launch - recover - maintain - launch cycle of aircrafts."

Concept Behind Vulture:

Basically Aircrafts operates just like satellites, but the major difference is that these are not regulated by orbital mechanics. You can understand Vulture as a Pseudo-Satellite, which operates in the stratosphere and not in the low Earth orbit. This would provide a 65 dB upgrading in communications capability and will increase onboard sensor resolution.


When Will it Become a Reality?

Well, right now NASA has not mentioned any time table when the aircraft will be ready. But for now NASA has worked on the probable design of Vulture (see picture).

Friday, October 22, 2010

Latest Invention: Technology That Allows Users to See Through Walls and Melt Objects

If you like this invention you can vote for it.Researchers from the University of South Australia in collaboration with Nokia started working on one of their latest inventions that would make it possible for users of cell phones to see through walls.

Their latest invention makes use of augmented reality (AR), being able to overlay graphics on top of real the video. The AR system comes in three types: X-ray Vision, Meltvision and Distortvision.

According to Dr Christian Sandor, Director of the Magic Vision Lab at UniSA, users prefer Meltvision over X-ray vision, due to a more appealing look, where structures appear to melt away. As for Distortvision, it changes the mobile video picture so that the objects that cannot be seen "bent" so the person could see them in the image.

It would be interesting to note that the researchers have also been working on an invention that would make it possible for users to see and sense virtual objects. The new technology is called Visuo-Haptic Augmented Reality and it allows an individual to manipulate a 3D object by making use of a head mounted screen and touch-based gadgets.

Dr Christian Sandor explains: "The current method for prototyping involves the development of a 3D design using a computer, which can be viewed on screen or printed out in what is a relatively static presentation."

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Shocknife is a training knife that is revolutionizing edged-weapon training for law enforcement. The blade is incapable of cutting, but delivers a localized shock that causes pain, but not serious injury or incapacitation.

"When attacked with an edged weapon officers experience an acute stress response that limits their ability to make quick and rational decisions. An incorrect response can
be catastrophic," says Jeff Quail, product inventor and Canadian Police Sergeant. "At the highest setting the Shocknife delivers a powerful shock when touched that feels like you have been cut with a butcher knife. Unlike rubber training knives, Shocknife causes the same acute stress during training that an officer would experience in a real attack. This kind of training more adequately prepares officers to react during a deadly force edged weapon encounter."

The Shocknife can also be adjusted to lower setting where it delivers a "paper cut like" shock allowing the knife to be used as a biofeedback tool when introducing training at a static level. It is the only training knife in the world that has a pain penalty associated with it. This causes the fear/acute stress response that must be present for reality based training. And better officer training = saved lives.

The Shocknife has been on the market for just over seven months and is now being sold in 15 countries around the world. Organizations such as the FBI, Academy Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, LAPD, US Customs & Border Protection, and the Canadian Military are already using this "cutting edge" technology